Diane Mulholland

Hello! I’m Diane, and I’ve been having adventures on my bike since I was a wee thing. I learned the basics when I was young, but I really got into mechanics in 2021, when everyone was cycling and bike shops had long wait times for servicing and repairs. I found it a whole lot of fun, but was also surprised at how much it boosted my confidence.

It goes without saying that cycling has huge benefits for individuals, communities, and our planet. When I dusted off my bike again during the pandemic, I found myself becoming fascinated by, and then strongly passionate about, the power of cycling to increase independence and empower people.

I grew up in rural Australia, in a family of tinkerers used to doing things for ourselves. My mother changed flat tyres on her own because, on country roads far from town, that was the only option. But many people don’t see themselves in the world of bike maintenance, or they face barriers to getting started, such as negative experiences or complicated jargon. Enter Daisy Chain. Expect wide representation, de-mystifying and myth-busting, and a warm, judgement-free environment.

Why ‘Daisy Chain’? Because no one gets anywhere on their own. Community, learning, and growth are about the connections we make. I learn from someone, then share with you, then you pass that on to someone else. There are a lot of people behind me in the chain of learning that led me here, and I’m hugely grateful to them.